Tech Leads' Coaching Circle

Create Sustainable Success for Your Career

Do These Sound Familiar To You?

  •  “I have hard time keeping up with work.” 
  • “I need to be more strategic (vs tactical).” 
  • "My passion is misread as aggressiveness." 
  • "My authenticity backfires." 
  • "I dread giving hard feedback." 
  • “I end up doing most of the work - I am exhausted.” 
  • "I have no time for selfcare - I am languishing."

Are you tired of the usual performance focused go-go culture? 

Do you wonder whom to ask for help about those sticky situations?

Do you learn by thinking, experimenting, and sharing with your peers?

You Came To The Right Place. Imagine ...

  • Having a peer group and an experienced coach to share your challenges without fear of judgment. 
  • A cohort on a similar career journey to help you think through and share their ideas and feedback to help you learn and grow?
  • A lifelong network of high caliber professionals!

Is This Your Cup of Tea?

  • Are you a mid-level manager or a senior individual contributor in tech/STEM? 
  • Do you hold yourself and others to high standards, always striving for excellence? 
  • Do you crave a nurturing space where you can bounce ideas and wrestle with your thoughts, surrounded by like-minded peers? 
  • Does the idea of growing with purpose and finding joy in your journey resonate with you?  

    If you're nodding along, congratulations – you've found your tribe.

A pro athlete performs in high-stakes games only 5-6 times a year. While a professional like you do that several times a week, if not every day! To keep your game up, you need continuous support. You'll get... 

  • A small community of peers (max 10) and a coach to encourage you and keep you accountable so you keep growing.  
  • Engaging, thought-provoking live monthly group sessions and offline discussions to help you process, learn and apply at your work.  
  •  A topic of the month* and exploration of your questions during sessions to prepare you handle workplace challenges smoothly.  
  • Session time: 90-min monthly. Usually 3rd Mondays at 5 pm PT on Zoom. Session date is decided based on the cohort's consensus. (May session: May 20th)

*Sample topics: Difficult conversation, managing up, effective listening, giving feedback, executive presence, effective communication.

I have coached many senior leaders. I know what it takes to get there.

Sharmin Banu
Executive Coach

With a background in tech (Microsoft) and then 15 years of coaching senior leaders for Fortune 500 companies and startups, I specialize in guiding clients on emotional intelligence, executive presence, navigating politics, and work-life balance. As a result, my clients, leaders at Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft and other companies enjoy job promotion, career moves accompanied with more joy and purpose. Clients dub me "a force of nature" for driving personal and professional transformation

Peer coaching program is gaining popularity because of it's effectiveness. But it is not readily available for everyone. That's why I created this program in 2022.

I have a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), an MS in Computer Science and a range of other trainings that helps me stay up-to-date to effectively serve my clients.

Existing Participants said...

I'm grateful to have this trusted platform for sharing with and learning from the group. It's a great way to connect with others' experiences and to get valuable insights from them. Many of those insights led to actionable steps for me. I look forward to the sessions and enjoy the offline discussions over slack. I highly recommend this coaching circle masterfully led by Sharmin.
- A Senior Product Manager

"A very safe place where we can open up and share our stories with other highly energetic professionals. The group discussion led by Sharmin gives a wide range of perspectives and enhances the overall coaching experience which would not be possible in a one to one setting. Would definitely recommend for aspiring leaders."
- An Experienced Software Engineering Leader 

Join Tech Leads' Coaching Circle - A Group Coaching Mastermind for Leaders Like You!

Most popular


$155 USD

per month

  • Perfect for maintaining your A-game.

    • Live Group Coaching Sessions
    • Access to Private Community
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$399 USD

per month

  • Great for transitioning to new roles.

    • Live Group Coaching Sessions
    • Access to Private Community
    • One 1:1 session / month
    • Personality/Strength assessment (Discounted rate)
Subscribe to this plan

Group coaching has been gaining it's popularity. A recent Harvard Business Review article said,  
“The benefits of small-group coaching come from powerful learning interactions among leaders who aren’t on the same team but are roughly equal in experience and position, and the process can generate leadership development impacts that exceed what’s possible in one-on-one coaching.” 

Be on the leading edge of the growth curve. Get a front row seat on this journey of growth, purpose and joy!

Questions? Checkout the FAQs.